Saturday, June 15, 2024

Moving Through

There is an enemy of mankind. He wants you stuck in a cycle of believing that you are damaged and defeated. He wants you dead. He counterfeits the goodness of God; the enemy wants to be worshipped. 

Thank God for the Good News - that the enemy is defeated and we have access to everlasting life. 

We know this truth and must continue to actively resist the enemy's attempts to rule us and the world until Jesus's return.

We can leverage art as a form of resistance. Art helps us to move through difficult thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

During the pandemic, DJ D-Nice guided celebrities, politicians, and even novice social media users through virtual dance parties to shake off the uncertainty. After the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., James Brown performed a televised concert to quell the pain that manifested into rioting. 

Art - in whatever form - is a healing balm. 

The Pope recently invited comedians to Vatican City to celebrate the importance of humor to unite people. There is a current movement to include art as a medical prescription for individuals healing from various infirmities. 

So we pray for the artists - that their visions will be hidden from the enemy's distortions and distractions. We pray they will find community, balance, and wholeness. We pray they will access the keys to distribute their art and reach multitudes. We pray that they will mentor and promote in their fields of influence. 

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