Saturday, May 30, 2020

Fathering America

Uprooting racism’s legal authority for racial healing

Finding no other solution to the dilemma of whether master-fathered offspring of slave women should be bound or free, the men in power decided to enslave their own children; thus, abandoning them to the depraved institution for the sake of ease. The social contract of enslaving one’s own children set off a natural and spiritual act of rejection and abandonment which separates White and Black Americans… still. 

The act stands contrary to the principle of adoption which our Heavenly Father invited us to experience through the life of Jesus Christ. We belong.

Since our Fatherland has forgotten how to parent - as exemplified by wage stagnation, community disinvestment, and disproportionate acts of violence - the 21st century church must model adoption.

The adoption begins with Holy Spirit-led repentance, i.e. public acknowledgement of allegiance to beliefs and behaviors that don’t align with perceiving and relating to Black Americans as God’s chosen people. Next, heavy doses of forgiveness for one’s own apathy propel identification of satanic lies about worth. Replacement of lies with God’s truth accelerates acts of love. These acts are known worldwide as things Fathers do - to protect, provide, and promote for growth and influence.

Let’s begin.