Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Struggle

Evidence of The Struggle:

1) When parents, teachers, and coaches cannot tell you apart from the other African-American females in your cohort.  In fact, they look you in the eye and call you by the name of the girl who is two shades darker, six inches shorter, and about 40 pounds lighter than you.

2) The look you get when you finally reveal that the college you attended in Washington, DC was not Howard University, as assumed, but rather Georgetown University.  [Hoya Blaxa]

3) When your female African-American boss, who holds a doctoral degree and is nearing retirement as a leader in her field, is called "articulate" by a fellow professor.  (Of course she is.  What else would she be???)

4) When you hear that your classmate said "White people are smarter than Latino people."

The struggle.  I see it everyday. It bothers me everyday.  I aim to combat it everyday.

Alas, I opened Oswald Chamber's My Utmost for His Highest devotional today and read - "Paul was devoted to a person not to a cause. He was absolutely Jesus Christ's, he saw nothing else, he lived for nothing else."

I have erected idols. Christ is tearing them down.
Just a year ago, I was crying in my cubicle, telling God that I did not trust him; today, I told him I trusted him.
He is making changes in my heart. 
I war for righteousness, purity, freedom, and love.
How will my combat equipment for the struggle look different after this period of healing?

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