Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Measuring Success

So you know that thing that happens when you change your profile picture.  You keep revisiting Facebook to see how many more people have liked your picture since you last checked.

Measuring beauty and likability in numbers...

The same with sharing an inspired post.  How many have seen? How many shares?  How many?  What's the number?
We sat in the conference, stunned, overwhelmed by all the kingdom wisdom concerning leadership that had been shared with us.  We were soaking up the truth about Nehemiah, and giving feedback in the context of love and value.  We revisited prophetic personalities; are you a knower, seer, hearer, or feeler?  I heard, "All increase in my life is to serve better.  If I am not in a position to serve (in my heart) then the increase will hurt."  I was stung when we talked about forgiveness, releasing our offenders to turn our betrayals into promotion.  And then we came to this - 

"Are you measuring your success by numbers or by presence?  Are you living off the praise of man?"

"When you eat at the table of the fear of man, it tastes sweet at first but the digestion is bitter.  When you eat at the table of God, it may taste bitter at first, but the digestion is sweet."


In all that I do, whether it's enjoying God's beauty (in myself, others, nature) or developing a public health program, am I measuring success based on the evaluation of something external to God?  Am I measuring my growth by the number of "atta-girl" exclamations and pats on the head I receive?

Don't get me wrong, there is value when we esteem one another.  But is that the only source of comfort I get?

I have learned that growing in God is extremely... did I say extremely, yes, ok... extremely uncomfortable.  That's the bitter part.  But then the sweetness falls from heaven when I walk in step with him, trusting him, delighting in this love affair, knowing that every single thing is working out for my good.   

Moral of the story:  Forget all those Facebook likes and page views.  I toast to God, and in return he showers me with all the esteem I need. I scour the Word for his truth and listen intently for him to speak.  I trust and obey, and leave all the consequences to him.

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