Low Storage
This weird looking symbol showed up on the top of my phone. It looks like a paint brush and a palette. However, I think it's supposed to be a disc and an exclamation point. At any rate, it appeared to tell me that my phone is running low on storage space.
Well, I
know the culprit. It's my gallery. I have 200+ photos on my
smartphone and I have not even considered saving them somewhere else,
or, heaven forbid, printing them out.
immediately began scrolling through the photos. There's my baby cousin
Heaven; I can track her development from infancy to toddler-hood. There
are the mirror pics I've taken with my sisters. "Why does Ava have my
sweatshirt on??? Hmph!" There are the selfies before special events -
that Rihanna concert was great by the way - and the pictures I took of
all the fish at the aquarium. Good times!
there are the pics from all my adventures. There's the hike up Stone
Mountain, Julie's wedding in Boston, my road trip to Kansas City, the
Blue Ridge Mountains, Cali, Tennessee. And all of my pics feature
rolling hills, mountain landscapes, and these expansive, incredible
views of cities and places of significance in my life.
And I ponder.
I am reminded of God's whisper - "You're an overcomer."
mountain ridge in each photo reminds me of the journey to get up, to
climb out of the rut. The photos also remind me that there's something
beautiful up top. The view, the air, the quiet, the peace, the
beauty... it's accessible. It's worth it. I wouldn't appreciate it
without the stumbles on the journey up, would I? Nope.

There's a
big picture in the midst of every hardship isn't there? There's a way
he can make the pain beautiful isn't there? As I drudge through I have
to remember His view, his beautiful mountain view.
Now I'm excited! Let me clear these old photos out because the ones to come are going to be INCREDIBLE! #nofilter
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