I recall my mother telling me that when I was younger and made an error on a homework assignment, I would tear the whole thing up and start all over again.
Yes, I
Today I find myself caught up in the same drive for perfection. I want to be the perfect daughter, perfect worshipper, perfect girlfriend, perfect sister, perfect employee, neighbor, dog owner, etc. I grow disheartened when I am forced to face correction, and even more so when it means that I have made a lasting mistake.
I fear disappointment. I fear being a disappointment to others. (Remember that lie I carry around.)
But as I focus on the perfect outcome, I lose perspective. My efforts don't approach glorifying God. Instead I try to control everything in my own power. I take the place of God. I don't trust that He'll do it right, or that He'll forgive me when I mess up. Nope. I want to avoid the whole mess of error and correction. But if I do that, I am stagnant.
Every parent knows that if a child is left up to his or her own devices, he or she would be a feral creature. Parenting requires exercising discipline to ensure children develop into functioning adults. Well, the same with my heavenly Father I'm finding. I make mistakes and his gentle, guiding hand disciplines me. I do not have to fear that. It means he loves me! And considers me His own.
So, I can chill. And live life - full of the risks described by poet William Arthur Ward. God is with me. He is with me.