Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Country Music Week

At a job training, our emotional intelligence facilitator told us that there would be points in our lives when we have a "country music year".  This year is characterized by hardships - your dog dies, your spouse leaves, your favorite car breaks down, etc.

Well I have had a country music week.

My grandmother was brain dead last Monday.  My maternal grandmother was also hospitalized due to kidney failure.  My car indeed broke down.  And now, as a federal employee, I  have been furloughed.  Even with successes - my brain dead grandmother is now in recovery and I have a new ride - there's still all the emotional and financial calamity to wrestle with.

Well how do I cope during a country music week?

I withdraw.  I did not shed one tear when I heard about my grandmother's near-passing or when I realized that my saving would have to be put on hold to pay for a car.  Recently, I have turned inward, scowling at God, and thinking to myself - now what?  What else?  What disappointment is next?

I told a friend about all that was going on.  He said to take things one day at a time and that everything would be alright.  My reply: "I don't know."  His response: "Don't say that. God is good!  Everything He does is good.  Don't ever doubt."

Good word indeed.  How do I believe it?  It's so easy to believe it for everyone else.  How do I believe God for victory in my and my family's circumstances?

I opened up my browser today and came across a scripture that marks a good place to start.

Luke 5:16 - But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

I can start simply. With prayer.  In this place of cynicism, unbelief, and withdrawal, I can go to God and air my concerns.  In return I get to sit in presence and receive peace.  I receive the hope and patience I need to stand and stand strong. 

So cheers to a country music week.  I have prayer to get me through.  Can somebody pour me a drink too?  :)

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